The people of Belarus -you are not alone!

#BuildforBelarus because violence and destruction can’t win. We use the “from an idea to a prototype within 48 hours” format like we always do. Except for this time, it will be more critical than ever before. Your skills can help to decide the future of Belarus, and the future of its people.
How to stop the violence and detentions?
How to reconnect the people back to the world when there’s no Internet connection?
How to provide adequate medical care to the thousands of wounded?
How to rebuild trust, faith, and feelings of security in Belarus?
Share your ideas before Friday, August 14, at 4.00 PM UTC+3. Join a team on Friday, hack throughout the weekend, and demo your working solutions on Sunday, August 16, at 6.00 PM UTC+3.Next steps:
Firstly, join Slack to discuss ideas and meet the community - everyone’s welcome!
Participants submit ideas
In “Forming Teams”, the ideas go public and people with skills can apply to join as a team member.
Hacking begins, where teams work on their ideas and submit the final submissions.
Final submissions get evaluated
Results go public
Join #BuildforBelarus. Share the news in your network. Stand with the people of Belarus.
👉 To see the ideas and join teams click on any of the topics to see ideas under that specific category 👈 To join a team, click on the team name, and click Apply.